Art History 201 – Gallery
Art History 201- Gallery
Instructor: Mrs. Jane Raymond
E-mail: Pastor@HisGlory.us
Phone: 434-352-2667
Course Description
A knowledge of art is necessary to
communication in the modern world. This course covers art principles and techniques from the point of view of
the Medieval/Renaissance period. An overview of the history of prominent artists
of the period is presented with reference to corresponding trends in philosophy
and music.
An Art Gallery module links students to the works of the
masters online. The student is introduced to and gains facility reproducing
basic shapes — the “alphabet of art.” A studio module contains exercises in visual
perception, visual-spatial organization, and attention to detail which build
confidence and fundamental skills. Concepts of space and perspective are
mastered by practice, and will further enable the student to build upon the
foundation of these fundamentals in Art II. Text for the Course is Art
History by Barry Stebbins.
- Tuition: $275 Premier OR
$25 Basic - Level:
Grade 10 Level: Grade 10 - Mode: Asynchronous Mode: Self-taught
- Offered: Fall
Offered: Open
enrollment - Textbook: See above Textbook: See above