Great Books 203
Great Books 203
Instructor: Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
E-mail: pastor@HisGlory.us
Phone: 434-941-1895
Course Description
Each of 6 Great Books courses analyzes about 16 classical authors (of total 100) and consists of two parts. First is a thumbnail sketch of each author with review exercise and computer-graded quiz. Second is in-depth analysis and class
discussion of 8 of the authors using a set of 10 thought questions as a reading and discussion guide.
There are 2 “sweeps” through history, each covering 50 of the 100 total authors. The first set of 50 sketches are in the e-book “Keys to the Classics, Vol. I.” Short answers to the open-end questions are in a separate Teachers Manual.
The courses are omnibus, blending world history, philosophy, literature, and theology. Student selects one author on which to write a 2,000 word essay. Reading ranges from 35 to 50 pages every two weeks. An optional textbook by Francis William
Coker, “Readings In Political Philosophy” contains all the required readings for the first set of 50 authors.
GB203, covers the rationalism of the Enlightenment to the relativism of the deep-state present. “Man is the Measure” was the byword of the 18th Century Neo-Classical revival, with Rousseau and Voltaire pointing the way. The giddy optimism was
shattered by the bloody French Revolution, culminating in 1799. Other democratic revolutions followed in the 19th Century, a mere prelude to the barbarity of the 20th. This course traces all the philosophical streams that fed into
the making of America and nurtured the looming crisis. ..
- Tuition: $275 Premier OR Tuition: $25 Basic
- Grade: 9-10 9-10
- Mode: Asynchronous Mode: Self-taught
- Offered: Fall Offered: Open Enrollment
- Textbook: See above Textbook: See above