Music Appreciation 201
Music Appreciation 201
Instructor: D.O “Oliver” Woods
E-mail: Admin@KingsWayClassicalAcademy.com
Phone: 503-658-0385
Course Description
As a foundation for music appreciation, a brief music history is presented in the form of 12 biographical sketches. This includes development of musical styles over 5 periods: Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern. The influence of style is related to broader philosophical currents and historical trends. A Biblical interpretation of each composer shows how each was a product and shaper of the history in his era.
The historical overview is interspersed with a study of the personal and cultural impact of Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) using the text “Measuring the Music” by John Makujina. This Biblical analysis fosters an appreciation for the power of music to convey and reinforce philosophies and attitudes. An online subcourse of short musical excerpts builds awareness of the dynamic components that contribute to the listening experience and influence interpretation of lyrics.
- Tuition: $275 Premier OR Tuition: $25 Basic
- Mode: Asynchronous Mode: Self-taught
- Offered: Fall Offered: Fall or Spring
- Textbook: See above Textbook: See above