Shakespeare 201
Shakespeare 201
Instructor: Mr. Eric Cummings
E-mail: somedaysomwhere@gmail.com
Phone: 708-954-7121
Course Description
For centuries Shakespeare has delighted audiences with his wit and wisdom. For many, he’s the greatest poet the world has known and yet his identity is shrouded in speculation. Why are his works such a mysterious admixture of both Christian and pagan allusions? How could the Stratford man of such humble origins have written with so much insight about court life in London? Far-fetched as it seems, the key to understanding the complex origins of America lies in the answer to those simple questions.
Shakespeare’s works fall into three genres: comedy, tragedy, and history. This course embarks on an in-depth analysis of one each: Henry V, Hamlet, and Taming of the Shrew. Students read the play itself and an insightful commentary from a Christian perspective by Peter Leithart, taken from his Brightest Heaven of Invention – A Christian Guide to Six Shakespeare Plays.
- Tuition: $275 Premier OR Tuition: $25 Basic
- Mode: Synchronous Mode: Self-taught
- Offered: Fall Offered: Fall or Spring
- Textbook: See above Textbook: See above