CATEGORY: Performing & Fine Arts

Music Theory 202

Course Access: Lifetime
Course Overview

Music Theory 202

Instructor:  D.O “Oliver” Woods 
Phone: 503-658-0385

Course Description

This course examines
the historical development of music theory in the lives of the great musicians
from ancient times to the present.  That encompasses six main musical periods:
Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern.   Over fifty influential composers are
introduced:   their styles, musical forms (such as symphony
& concerto) and the cultures in which they worked.

is summarized in an online subcourse, including instruction in keys, chord
structure, harmony, and notation. The goal is to equip the student to pick any
song in the hymnal and sing it without instrumental accompaniment.  Required text is The Gift of Music by Smith & Carlson.     .

  • Tuition:    $275 Premier   
  • Mode:      Asynchronous      
  • Offered:   Fall                     
  • Textbook: See above