Natural Sciences
Physical Science 101
Course Access: Lifetime
Course Overview
Physical Science 101
Instructor: Mr. Dave White
E-mail: research@cctruth.org
Course Description
This course is built around the award winning Apologia science textbook “Exploring Creation with Physical Science”. Emphasis on myths of the hysterical environmental movement. Optional hands-on experiments with home chemicals and supplies. Great preparation for college-prep high school science curriculum. It’s the last science course before high school biology, covering:
- The Atmosphere The Physics of Motion
- The Hydrosphere Newton’s Laws
- Weather Gravity
- Structure of the Earth Astrophysics
- Geology
- Tuition: $275 Premier OR Tuition: $25 Basic
- Mode: Instructor Mode: Self-taught
- Offered: Fall Offered: Fall or Spring
- Textbook: See above Textbook: See above