CATEGORY: Rhetoric

Writing Readiness 101

Course Access: Lifetime
Course Overview

Writing Readiness 101

Instructor:  Eric Cummings 
Phone: 708-954-7121

Course Description

For middle-school students or  Asean professionals looking to refine their written ESL, this course is the first step.  The Elements of Style by Strunk & White is an American classic.  Though small, it covers basic principles of clarity, vigor, usage, punctuation, parts-of-speech and structure. Addresses common abuses of words, phrases, punctuation, and wordiness.  

Paired with our Latin I course it’s a powerful combination for learning to interpret and enjoy the Word of God and the world God rules.  Plus, Latin study cuts time to master a profession by 50%.  Simple exercises get you off on the “write foot.”   Spreeder vocabulary builder and speed reading programs are also required for full-time students.   For placement, send a sample of recent writing to the instructor.

  • Tuition:    $275 Premier   OR   Tuition:       $25 Basic
  • Mode:      Instructor                  Mode:        Self-taught
  • Offered:   Fall                           Offered:      Fall or Spring
  • Textbook: Elements of Style     Textbook:  Elements of Style